The “Sensing” mode in GE washers is a crucial feature that helps ensure efficient and effective laundry cycles. However, if your GE washer is stuck on sensing, then it can be problematic, leading to delaying the start of your laundry.

So the question is, why does this weird error occur, and how do you fix it? Well, in this article, we will explore the reasons behind a GE washer getting stuck on “Sensing” and provide you with quick and practical solutions to fix this issue.

Whether it’s a simple sensor cleaning or a more complex mechanical problem, we will guide you through troubleshooting steps and offer tips to resolve the problem promptly.

So, let’s dive in and get your GE washer back up and running in no time!

What is the purpose of the “Sensing” mode?

You’re ready to do the laundry and excitedly load up your GE washer. But wait, why won’t it start? Ah, it’s stuck on the “Sensing” mode.

We’ve all been there, my friend. But fear not, this article is here to help you understand what this mode is all about.

The “Sensing” mode is like your washer’s Sherlock Holmes. Its main purpose is to gather information about your laundry load before it embarks on the cleaning adventure.

It wants to make sure it knows what it’s dealing with to provide the best washing experience possible.

So, think of it as your washer’s way of saying, “Hold on, I need to figure out what I’m up against before I dive in!

How does the “Sensing” mode work in GE washers?

Now that we know what it’s all about, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how this mode works. Once you press start, your GE washer starts evaluating the weight and size of your laundry load.

It uses sensors to determine the appropriate water level, wash cycle, and agitation speed. It’s like a little laundry scientist analyzing everything.

Once it’s done gathering the necessary intel, it moves on to the next step of starting the wash cycle and getting your clothes squeaky clean. Or at least, that’s the plan.

Common Causes for GE Washer Stuck On Sensing

Clogged or dirty sensors

Similar to a dog with a runny nose, the sensors in your washer can become clogged or dirty. This can lead to confusion for your washer, causing it to remain stuck in the Sensing mode.

Therefore, if your washer appears to be taking an eternity to progress, it’s worth inspecting those sensors for any gunk or debris.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the sensors in your washer is essential to ensure its optimal performance.

By regularly inspecting and removing any gunk or debris from the sensors, you can prevent your washer from getting stuck in the Sensing mode.

Additionally, keeping the sensors clean will help your washer accurately detect the load size and adjust the water levels accordingly, resulting in more efficient and effective cleaning cycles. So, don’t forget to give those sensors some attention to keep your washer running smoothly.

Power or connection issues

Ah, the good old power and connection gremlins. Sometimes, they sneak in and wreak havoc. Loose power cords or connections can disrupt the communication between the sensors and the control board, leading to an endless Sensing mode party.

Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that everything is securely plugged in and there’s no funny business happening. So, let’s make sure all the wires are snug and there are no shenanigans going on. One way to prevent loose power cords or connections is to regularly check and tighten them.

It is also important to keep the area around the sensors and control board clean and free from any obstructions.

Additionally, implementing a system to monitor the power supply and receive alerts in case of any disruptions can help ensure the smooth functioning of the sensors and control board.

Mechanical or component problems

Sometimes, it’s not only the sensors or connections that are causing trouble. Mechanical or component issues, like faulty door locks or malfunctioning control boards, can also cause your washer to stay stuck in the Sensing mode, just like a koala clinging to a eucalyptus tree.

In these cases, a simple fix might not be sufficient, and it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. If you find that your washer is continuously stuck in the Sensing mode despite checking the sensors and connections, it is important to consider other potential causes.

Mechanical problems such as worn-out belts or damaged motor parts could be the culprits behind this persistent issue.

In such situations, it is recommended to reach out to a professional technician who can accurately diagnose and resolve the problem. Remember, seeking expert assistance will ensure that your washer operates smoothly and efficiently.

How To Fix GE Washer Stuck On Sensing?

GE Washer

Is your GE washer stuck in the sensing mode? Don’t panic just yet. Let’s go through some quick troubleshooting steps to get your washer back on track.

If your GE washer is stuck in sensing mode, there are a few simple troubleshooting steps you can try before calling for professional help:

  • First, check if the washer is properly plugged into a power source and that the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped. Sometimes, a loose connection or a power outage can cause the sensing mode to get stuck.
  • Additionally, make sure the water supply valves are fully open and that the water pressure is adequate. Low water pressure can also prevent the washer from progressing past the sensing stage.

By checking these simple issues first, you may be able to resolve the problem without any further hassle. Remember, sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective.

Checking for simple issues first

Before jumping to conclusions and panicking, take a moment to breathe. Check if there’s a simple solution staring you in the face. Is the door securely closed? Is there a power outage in your area? Sometimes, the most frustrating problems have the easiest fixes.

Is the door securely closed? Is there a power outage in your area? Sometimes, the most frustrating problems have the easiest fixes.

However, when it comes to household appliances like washers, there are a few additional troubleshooting steps you can try before calling for professional help. One such method is power cycling the washer.

By simply turning it off and on again, you might be surprised at how often this age-old tradition works like magic, resolving the issue at hand.

So, before you panic or spend money on unnecessary repairs, give power cycling a try and see if it brings your washer back to life.

Power cycling the washer

Ah, the age-old tradition of turning it off and on again. It works like magic in many cases. Try unplugging your washer from the power source, waiting a minute or two, and plugging it back in.

This power cycling can give your washer a fresh start and might kick it out of the sensing loop. Another simple troubleshooting step you can try is checking the power supply and circuit breaker. Sometimes, a washer may not be functioning properly simply because it is not receiving power.

Before diving into more complicated solutions, it’s always a good idea to ensure that your washer is getting the electricity it needs. You can easily test this by plugging another appliance into the same outlet to see if it works. If the other appliance works fine, then you can move on to other potential causes for the issue.

Checking power supply and circuit breaker

Before diving into complicated troubleshooting, make sure your washer is getting power. Test if the power supply is working by plugging another appliance into the same outlet. If it works, move on to the next step.

If not, you may have a problem with your circuit breaker or electrical wiring that needs fixing. After testing the power supply, it’s time to move on to the next step in troubleshooting your appliance. If the appliance works when plugged into the same outlet, it indicates that the power supply is functioning properly.

However, if it doesn’t work, there might be an issue with your circuit breaker or electrical wiring that requires attention. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a professional electrician to fix the problem.

Once you have confirmed the power supply is not the issue, you can proceed to check for error codes on your GE washer.

Checking for error codes

Your GE washer might be trying to communicate with you through error codes. Take a peek at the display panel or consult your trusty user manual to decipher any error codes that might be popping up.

Sometimes, these codes can provide insight into what’s causing the sensing mode to linger. Once you have identified any error codes, it’s time to troubleshoot the issue. Error codes can indicate a range of problems, from a simple clog in the drain hose to a malfunctioning sensor.

Refer to your user manual for specific instructions on how to address each error code. If the error persists even after following the recommended steps, it might be necessary to contact a professional technician for further assistance.

Remember, understanding and resolving error codes can help ensure your GE washer operates smoothly and efficiently.

Contacting GE customer support

When everything else fails, it’s time to rely on the wise and mighty GE customer support team. They are there to assist you in troubleshooting your specific washer model and provide guidance on the next steps to take.

Whether it’s over the phone or through online chat, GE customer support is like your knight in shining armor.

So, don’t hesitate to give them a call – they are experts at resolving stuck-sensing issues and can guide you toward a solution. Having a reliable customer support team is crucial when it comes to resolving issues with your washer.

GE customer support understands the importance of troubleshooting your specific model and will provide you with the necessary guidance.

Whether you prefer to communicate over the phone or through online chat, their knowledgeable experts will act as your knight in shining armor, ready to assist you in resolving any stuck-sensing problems. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for a quick and effective solution.


So those were a few ways to get rid of the GE Washer Stuck On Sensing error. GE washer stuck on the “Sensing” mode can be frustrating, but with the troubleshooting steps and solutions provided in this article, you can quickly address the issue.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure smooth and uninterrupted laundry cycles with your GE washer.

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